StoryBots App
UI/UX Design + iOS/Android
This product was created with feedback from leadership to create bright but simple concepts for younger kids with the goal of keeping them in the app for longer periods of time.
Responsibilities: Wireframes, prototypes, style guide, final design.
- StoryBots
- Tech / Entertainment
- UI/UX Design

- The goal of this app was to design specifically for younger kids that could easily navigate all of the content without the parent or guardian having to do much to set it up and keep them in the app for longer periods of time than our current app.
- Design for children who are unable to read
- Organize the wide variety of content StoryBots has to offer
- Distinguish between the different types of content
- How to keep the child interested for long periods of time
Responsive UI Designs
As the sole designer on the team, I provided responsive UI designs for every page included in the app for both the phone and tablet. In addition, I provided the thumbnail designs/imagery, icons, color, and typography.

Style Guide
I made a style guide to pass on to the developers that included typography, colors, spacing, and sizing for both the phone and tablet.
View More Work
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Marketing, Branding, Events
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Marketing, Branding
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- StoryBots ClassroomApril 20, 2020StoryBots Classroom
- StoryBots AppApril 20, 2020StoryBots App
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