Dark Horizon / Queen Mary Dark Harbor Haunt Event

Social Media  +   Paid Ads  +   Print Design  +  Signage

Freelanced with the team of the popular haunt event, Queen Mary Dark Harbor, to help launch a sister event in Orlando, FL. I provided both print and digital marketing as well as signage, menus, and posters for the event itself. I also helped design some specialty items for the 10th anniversary of the Queen Mary Dark Harbor.

  • EPIC Entertainment Group
  • Themed Entertainment
  • Graphic Design (print + digital)


Leading up to the event involved both print and digital marketing including partnerships with Costco, social media, and paid media ads. Below are some of my favorite items that I designed to promote the Dark Horizon event in Orlando, Florida.


A special part of the Queen Mary Dark Harbor event are the secret bars. A character may find you and hand you a coin that lets you into a secret bar with a special theme and menu. There are also premium bungalows you can rent with a large group that allows you a special menu. I helped to design some of the printed menus for these locations.

Signage and Wayfinding

As with any haunt event, there were several themed signs needed for new mazes as well as way finding and safety information to be displayed before each of these mazes. I designed all of the signage below and saw it through from concept to completion.

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